Where We Live: Perceptions of Community LGBTQ-Friendliness

LGBTQ Research on Living Environment:

LGBTQ community members live in a wide variety of communities. Gay and bisexual male participants report that they are more likely to live in big cities, compared to lesbian and bisexual women. Also of note is the wide variety of communities where participants who identify as gender expansive live. This emphasizes the importance of national and statewide anti-discrimination laws to protect all gender expansive community members, not just laws in the big cities.

Reference: Community Marketing & Insights 11th Annual LGBTQ Community Survey, July 2017 n=17,300 USA LGBTQs. Request a free download the full report.

LGBTQ-friendly Perceptions of Country, State and Community:

Canadians are far more likely than United States residents to consider their country LGBTQ-friendly. However, that difference starts to even out when asked about their local communities. Most LGBTQ participants considered their local community to be LGBTQ-friendly, which may be an indication that LGBTQ people move to places where they feel more welcome. The state-by-state analysis was most fascinating, as people living in “blue” states had high praise for their state and local community, and those living in deep “red” states had negative perceptions of their state, but more positive perceptions of their local community.

Reference: Community Marketing & Insights 11th Annual LGBTQ Community Survey, July 2017 n=17,300 USA LGBTQs. Request a free download the full report.

LGBTQ-friendly Perceptions of Type of Community:

United States LGBTQ community members living in big cities feel far more positive about their local communities than do those living in rural America. Only about half of those living in rural areas and small towns felt that their local communities were LGBTQ-friendly. However, many of these rural LGBTQ Americans had more favorable perceptions about their states, suggesting that many may live in rural areas of more progressive states.

Reference: Community Marketing & Insights 11th Annual LGBTQ Community Survey, July 2017 n=17,300 USA LGBTQs. Request a free download the full report.

LGBTQ-friendly Perceptions by Gender and Generation:

There are clear gender differences in LGBTQ-friendliness perceptions. Gay and bisexual men are somewhat more positive than lesbian and bisexual women about their communities. Participants who identify as gender expansive are least positive about their communities. No substantial differences in perceptions were found when evaluating this question by generation.

Reference: Community Marketing & Insights 11th Annual LGBTQ Community Survey, July 2017 n=17,300 USA LGBTQs. Request a free download the full report.

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